Ashley S White

As a Christian, there is a scripture in the bible that says be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. It means to be mindful of people because you may not know they're angels and are here for a little while. At least that's what I hold on to so I can get through the day. How else could one explain the character of a person who hates discrimination and bigotry? Would sing at the drop of a hat and try to save every animal she came across. Ashley had a contagious laugh and when she'd laugh at something, even herself, she could not stop and those that were around her we'd start laughing too because of her laughter. Sometimes she just couldn't stop laughing. But there came a time when the entire world seem to shift and this weight got to her. Ashley past 6 months after the pandemic. It seem to happen right in front of me although I was not there, I was back in Texas where we both were born and raised. After hearing about the success rate of those overcoming addictions, we signed up and help her get to New Jersey. After graduating from the program, she seemed to start having difficulties, the lack of money, housing, and social support for her caused me to leave my home, husband and all that I knew and move to Philadelphia. At first, it seem that I was in Philadelphia to relocate and start a new career. But I quickly learned my relocation was a deeper more important reason. Ashley was my only daughter and I felt I was too hard on her when she was a child, Now an adult I was determined I was going to make up for that. But then I noticed the obvious changes in her. Ashley loves people, music, and animals, especially cats and kittens. She hated discrimination and bigotry and it crush her to see blacks and whites not standing together. It seemed the older she got any offenses toward her she took to heart. She had gotten into several fights and in the last 12 months of her life, she changed so much that we thought she reached the bottom and her change was coming. I left to visit home in Texas during the month of my birthday and became greatly concerned I did not get a call from her on my birthday. So I booked a flight back to Philadelphia on September 17th but became ill and canceled. September 24th, MEO phoned me and asked did I have a daughter name Ashley Whilte. I said yes. I guess I was in shock because I asked what is she doing there. My mind went to she's trying to get a job there and she used my name as a reference. I told you I was in shock. I've never been the same since.