“Would you buy this book for $9.99?” by C.C. Bartel

CC can't draw. Or paint, sew, or dance.

CC has never ‘made’ anything. But when her 26 year old boyfriend suddenly dies from an accidental overdose, she feels this overwhelming urge to channel her feelings into a creative outlet. And so begins her crochet journey.

This easy-to-follow crochet tutorial doubles as a touching memoir about CC’s late boyfriend, Brett. Growing up just outside of Seattle, Brett showed a unique aptitude for ice hockey at a young age. By the time he turned 13 he was playing for hockey teams all over the US.

For every hockey player in the US the route to playing hockey professionally follows a similar pattern: young men play in “junior leagues” until they turn 22, at which point they are either drafted to a college team (most likely) or straight to the NHL minor and major leagues.

When Brett is 21 his life is drastically changed by a car accident that leaves him with a broken back, sepsis and weeks spent unconscious in the hospital. His dreams of playing hockey professionally are shot. Brett’s life quickly spirals into a cycle of addiction; he becomes a version of himself even he doesn’t recognize.

Download the audio version to listen while you learn. Experiment with chain stitches while hearing Brett describe the manacles used inside prison moving vans that move inmates from place to place. Learn how to make a granny square while listening to sweet stories of Brett’s own grandmother and the cute little house he fondly remembers growing up visiting.

Brett’s story inspires resilience. Crochet inspires perseverance. This tutorial is sure to leave the reader feeling empowered to create and confident to keep going even when they make mistakes.


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“a haiku about missing you” by C.C. Bartel